A Collector´s Guide to Military Rifle - Disassembly and Reassembly

Artikelnummer: 1596

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Your comprehensive guide to disassembly and reassembly steps for cartridge military rifles. Everything from the Trapdoor Springfield to the AK47 is included! 49 complete breakdowns PLUS 31 partial disassemblies of variations. This is by far the best book on this topic out there. You won‘t find any sporterized rifles or pieces of junk here. All the guns are collectible classics. The amazing part, given the price, is that every single picture in this book (1500+) is printed in FULL COLOR on coated paper. You won‘t find a better value...that‘s for sure. Find out why the editor of American Rifleman calls this „an invaluable reference...and a must buy for all gun enthusiasts.“ Partial List of Rifles Covered: The French M1866 Chassepot, M1867/77 Austrian Werndl, The Remington Rolling Block, The Peabody Rifle, British .577 Snider-Enfield, The .45-70 Trapdoor Springfield, Swiss Vetterli, U.S. Model 1882 Chaffee-Reece, The French Gras, Russian Berdan Model 1870, Mauser Model 1871 and 1871/84, Portuguese M1886 Kropatschek , Dutch Model 1871/88 Beaumont Vitali, British .577-450 Martini-Henry, German Gew. 1888 Commission Rifle, The Krag-Jorgensen, The Early Mannlichers, Models 1886 90, Mannlicher M95 Rifle and Carbine, Mannlicher M1895 Turnbolt, Italian Carcano, Model 1891 Mausers, Mauser Rifles and Carbines, M1892 96, 1898 Mauser Rifles and 98k Carbines, The Mukden Type 13 Mauser, The Siamese M1903 (Type 45) Mauser, The U.S. Model 1903 Springfield, Portuguese M1904 Mauser-Vergueiro, Italian Vetterli Rifles and Carbines, French Lebel, French Berthier Model 1916, Enfield P14 and U.S. Model 1917, Enfield No. 1, Mark III , Enfield No. 4, Mark I*, Arisaka Type 44 Carbine, Arisaka Type 38 and Type 99 Rifles, Russian Mosin-Nagant Rifles & Carbines , Finnish Mosin-Nagant Rifles & Carbines, Swiss K31 Schmidt Rubin Carbine, Earlier Schmidt Rubin Longarms, Canadian Ross Rifles, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, French MAS Model 1936, The SKS, Ljungman AG-42B - Egyptian Hakim, The Fabrique Nationale FN 49, The AK47, The Rashid. Full color, deluxe coated paper, 1500+ photographs.

Autor: Stuart C. Mowbray & Joe Puleo
304 Seiten
1500 Farbfotos
Format: 21,0 × 28,0 cm

ISBN: 1-931464-32-4